Enough about the period.
Your menstrual cycle is so much more than the days that you bleed.
Did you know that during your cycle you go through four phases?
As you pass through each phase of your cycle the hormonal changes affect you physically and emotionally.
During the ovulation phase for instance, you might have more energy so doing a HIIT class is a breeze. You might also feel more sociable and confident around this time so it's a great time to plan your social calendar. In another phase, when your mood and energy are depleted you might want to retreat and focus on self care and spend time alone.
Knowing which phase you’re in means you can get your cycle to work for you!
Learn Your Phase
Show us your phase
Now you know your phase, we want to see how your phase makes you feel...
Follow @itsyoppie on Instagram & use #MYPHASE, for the chance to WIN exclusive merchandise every week.
Menstrual Phase #MYPHASE 🩸
Follicular Phase #MYPHASE ✨
Ovulation Phase #MYPHASE 🥚
Luteal Phase #MYPHASE 👿
Share Your Phase
The cycle is more than the bloody end.
To help you navigate your cycle, our menstrual healthcare products are focussed on the symptoms that affect you the most. From toxin free organic period care, hormonal skincare and PMS supplements, we have everything to support you through your journey.
Unsure on what you need? Let us formulate your own personal plan.
You can get 25% off your first order using MYPHASE at checkout.
Create Your Plan