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Yoppie's Top 10 Favourite Women's Health Podcasts

Yoppie's Top 10 Favourite Women's Health Podcasts

Written by Yoppie

05 Jan 2021

The V Word

Period Story

Beyond The Bump

Healthy Hormones for Women

Periods & Power Moves

The Heavy Flow Podcast

Period. With Kate Clancy

The V Hive

The Period Party

Ladies, We Need to Talk

Podcast junkie? Us too. And our favourites are the ones that get super candid about women’s health: periods, vaginas, hormones, pregnancy, you name it, we’re into it! We’ve chosen our top ten favourites to share with you. Headphones out, here we go...

The V Word

If you’re going to listen to a podcast about women’s health, you can’t go wrong with one hosted by two open and honest Ob-Gyn physicians who aren’t afraid to dive into the good stuff. Sex, embarrassing stories, reproductive policy, taboo topics... and it’s all backed up by scientific facts. Listening to Dr. Jenn and Dr. Erica is like listening to your friends having a chat, but the kind that really know what they’re talking about. We’re in! 

You’ll find more info and episodes here

Period Story

Everyone has their own period story, which is why we love the concept of this podcast, hosted by Le’Nise Brothers, a registered nutritionist who specialises in women's health, hormones and the menstrual cycle. In the podcast, she sits down with guests to discuss their personal period story, and dispel a few myths and misconceptions at the same time. This one features some great personal stories that we’re sure you’ll relate to. 

Learn more and listen to the podcast here

Beyond The Bump

If you’re pregnant, a parent, or thinking about becoming one at some point, Beyond The Bump is a great listen. Hosts Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce get real about all things mum-hood, and get into some really interesting discussions with guests where they ask all the questions you’ve always wanted to. They aim to have you feeling “lighter, more supported and more understood” after you listen. We’re all ears! 

Listen to episodes here

Healthy Hormones for Women

Hormones are a bit of an enigma, so podcasts like this are absolute gold-dust, explaining how to actually maintain healthy hormones in daily life. Healthy Hormones for Women is hosted by Samantha Gladish, whose titles include “Online Nutritionist, Weight Loss Coach and Hormone Fixer-Upper”. Episodes cover everything from effective strategies for balancing hormones, to discussions about PMS, PCOS, menopause, and all that good stuff. 

Listen here

Periods & Power Moves

For all you entrepreneurs and busy business folks out there, Periods & Power Moves might just be the pod for you. Hosted by Vianney Leigh, a “Menstrual Cycle Alignment Guide”, the podcast gets stuck into the stuff you need to know about understanding and aligning your menstrual cycle to avoid burnout and maintain a positive mindset. If your life is a constant hustle, there are episodes ready and waiting to help you tap into your monthly flow and feel more productivity as a result. 

Here’s where it’s all happening. 

The Heavy Flow Podcast

A 10/10 for podcast names, and the content is equally winning. Heavy Flow is hosted by Amanda Laird, and is all about body positivity, periods, reproductive health, feminism and health and wellness topics. There are a wide variety of guests who each dive into some interesting topics, from periods to fertility to birth control to mental health and more. Bring on the Heavy Flow!

Listen here. 

Period. With Kate Clancy

A podcast that names its episodes Breakthrough Bleed? Genius. Period, hosted by Kate Clancy, simply explores anything and everything to do with the menstrual cycle, and isn’t afraid to shy away from all things blood, blood, blood. There are some really interesting guests with science backgrounds in past episodes, and although the episodes appear to have paused throughout the pandemic, there’s a great back catalogue of juicy information waiting for you. 

Listen here. 

The V Hive

This one could be a favourite if you have experienced pain or problems with your health. Host Hannah Matluck has her own story of battling with pelvic pain, gut issues and hormonal imbalances, but has worked to create a community of others who have their own stories to tell. Including advice from top medical experts and interviews with bold women who share the intimate details of their health, we think you’re going to love this one. 

There’s lots more info and episodes available here

The Period Party

Who doesn’t love a monthly party?! This podcast has two experts in women’s health telling all. Because where’s the fun in keeping your period problems to yourself? These conversations are designed to help you understand your body better, and we’re all for that. Hosts Nat and Nicole are friendly, fun and up for a totally uncensored chin-wag about all things period-related. 

Listen to the episodes here

Ladies, We Need to Talk

… we sure do! This podcast, hosted by Yumi Stynes, gets into the taboo subjects we know and love (but never talk about). There have been episodes on vaginas, anal sex, the clitoris, erotic literature, pubic hair and many more topics that’ll make you clutch your pearls and turn up the volume. 

Check the episodes out here

Found another podcast you think we’d love to hear? Sharing’s caring! Send us your suggestions over on Instagram at @itsyoppie. You've got enough going on at that time of the month so don't forget that our personalised period subscription box can get organic cotton tampons, PMS supplements, and much more, delivered through your letterbox. That's a few less things to worry about each cycle!

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